William E. Esarey speaker at the Kentucky Landscape Industries Winter Conference
Bill will be speaking on his project in Austin, Indiana.
Morgan Foods Corporate Retreat - An Olmsted Brothers Update
Bill Esarey, WEE Landscape Architecture
Olmsted Brothers Area
- History of the Olmsted Brothers Involvement
- Site Analysis, Inventory of what remained, and inconsistencies
- Being true to the Olmsted Brothers design in a 21st century upgrade
- Overall Design
- Hardscape
- Details
- Planting
- Olmsted Brothers details in the new design
- Taking details from other Olmsted projects
for new elements
- Elements Olmsted’s didn’t consider in 1938
and 1939
- Tour of the built project
Outside the limits of the Olmsted Plans
- Horses, Longhorns, and Buff alo
- Regenerating a farm
- Tree preservation
- Watershed protection
- Native plantings